Ever since my little guy was just a babe he would enjoy us taking him outside before bedtime to look at the stars in the dark night sky. So, when we moved from Missouri to Colorado, I set out to capture that starry sky for him every night as he closes his eyes to go to sleep.
Night Sky Ceiling Project

So, I picked out a really dark blue grayish paint (mine is Gotham Gray by Valspar), taped off the top of my walls, took a deep breath (painting a ceiling a totally different color is a little scary!) and painted away! And voila, I now had my night sky.
I considered a couple of options for the glow-in-the-dark stars. After peeling off sticky residue from stars left at our previous home when we purchased it, I definitely wanted something that would be extremely easy to get rid of should Eben decide he wanted a chance of scenery.
This left me with two viable options: 1. Paint tiny stars on the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark paint and a stencil or 2. Get removable glow-in-the-dark stickers that wouldn’t leave any residue when removed. Since I’m not the youngest of pups anymore, the thought of craning my neck, trying to hold a stencil and painting stars over approximately 160 square feet, glow-in-the-dark paint quickly moved to the bottom of my list. I’m pretty sure I would’ve wound up with nice splotches of glow-in-the-dark carpet instead :). Therefore, removable stickers it was!
Glow in the Dark Star Stickers
I found these beauties on AliExpress for less than $3.00. If you have never ordered from AliExpress, know that you can get items you often see for resale by stores here, but at wholesale prices. Granted, you don’t want to order from them if you are in a hurry as it can take about 4-5 weeks for something to be delivered. Often times shipping is free as well. But, if you aren’t in a hurry, there’s a lot of great stuff to be found here!
They have dots and actual star shapes. We went with dots solely because when you look up into the sky, that’s what stars look like from our distant view :). But the stars are amazing too! They went on incredibly easy with Eben’s help, and they come off with absolutely no residue at all. Perfect!
So, if you have been thinking about a painting a night sky ceiling go for it! After all, it’s just paint and can easily be fixed if it didn’t turn out the way you had hoped.